Return to School: Blogs and Webinar Recordings


The following blogs are relevant for supporting EAL learners returning to school:

Nine tips to support EAL learners returning to school

Expert advice on supporting the learning of EAL pupils during and after school closures

The Impact of School Closures on the Attainment of Disadvantaged EAL Pupils

Working with parents to support the learning of EAL pupils

Webinar Recordings

The following webinar recordings are relevant for supporting EAL learners returning to school:

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How parents can use home languages to support the home learning and school work of EAL pupils
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Closing the gap: Using formative assessment to help learners who use EAL catch up
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Maintaining high expectations of learners who use EAL
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Closing the gap: supporting disadvantaged pupils with EAL
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Great ideas: Using substitution tables