Before completing this form please read the information below, and the pre-course information and Moodle Acceptable Use Policy which was sent to you by email.

By signing this agreement, you declare that:

  • You do not work at an international school.
  • You understand that you need to have a mobile device or a personal computer with Wi-fi or broadband connection to access the course materials.
  • You have the necessary basic ICT skills to do the course (i.e., you can upload and download documents and post comments to forums).
  • You agree to put in the required hours of individual study time in order to complete the course.
  • You have authorisation from your line manager(s) to attend the webinar component of the course.
  • You understand that all course and training materials are the Intellectual Property of The Bell Foundation and will abide by and adhere to copyright and intellectual copyright laws.
  • You give The Bell Foundation permission to use any positive feedback you post on the course (either in Moodle or on any of the interactive course components, e.g. Padlet) about the training course and materials for future promotional purposes, so long as this feedback is anonymised.
  • You have read and agree to adhere to the Moodle and Webinar Software Acceptable Use Policy.
  • All work you submit on this course will be done by you and is not plagiarised.
  • You will not share the course Enrolment Key with others.