Using Comprehensible English – for Secondary School (Online Regional Training)
- Date
- Price
- £45
- Type
- Online course, Regional training
- Location
- Online
Explore our seven calls to action for the new Government to integrate children who use EAL.
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then why not join the 26,000+ education professionals who engaged with The Bell Foundation’s range of quality assured EAL training opportunities in 2022, which achieved a recommendation rate of 95%.
We have learnt this year that much of the content of the Language for Results programme will be just as helpful in terms of enhancing the skills of our under-achieving white British students as it is for EAL students, and it is the aim this year to widen the use of the programme to include these students.
Language for Results is a long term, not for profit, evaluated programme designed by The Bell Foundation. It seeks to improve the attainment of children who speak English as an Additional Language by developing the knowledge and skills of school staff, and by supporting the school to make its procedures and communications (even more) accessible and effective for EAL students and their parents. The programme is informed by up to date research on EAL pupils’ educational achievement and school approaches to the education of EAL students.
The Language for Results programme was trialled and evaluated with school partners in England, who reported that it helped them to develop a whole school approach to EAL provision. Senior Management and teachers praised the programme’s transferability to the classroom, which is achieved by applying evidence-informed insights into what constitutes impactful Continuing Professional Development (CPD). For school staff this means providing:
Language for Results is offered through:
The Bell Foundation has developed evidence-informed, free to download teaching materials for ITT providers with a focus on preparing student teachers to work in diverse multilingual classrooms and to meet the learning needs of their current and future EAL pupils.
If you have questions about the programme, please use the Contact Us form.
Regional Centres of Expertise work with local schools to develop sustainable EAL provision
A mix of either online or blended training courses
A calendar of upcoming webinars and courses
Courses and session materials have been designed by a group of EAL specialist teacher education experts