Resource Library

We have updated our resources library so you can now explore not only our teaching and learning resources but also our evidence and policy work. 

You can filter by either of these in the panel below and refine your search by using the filter categories on the sidebar.

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Worksheets and activities
Card bodmas


  • Maths
  • | KS3

This EAL pack of resources supports learners in KS3 Maths with their understanding of the order of mathematical operations (BODMAS), their ability to solve mathematical equations using BODMAS and speak/write in English about how they arrived at their results.


EAL Guidance for Schools and Leaders

  • History Maths Science English / Literacy Geography
  • | EYFS Setting / KS1 / KS2 / KS3 / KS4 / KS5

EAL guidance for schools and leaders on provision, funding, working with parents and learners.


EAL Classroom Guidance for Teachers

  • English / Literacy Geography History Maths Science
  • | EYFS Setting / KS1 / KS2 / KS3 / KS4 / KS5

EAL classroom guidance for teachers on useful strategies, working with teaching assistants, providing multilingual support and more.

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