Holes by Louis Sachar
The Holes resources are for use with the popular novel by Louis Sachar.
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Holes by Louis Sachar
The Holes resources are for use with the popular novel by Louis Sachar. Included is a shorter version of the text, with supporting visuals and key phrases and vocabulary to translate. The resources help with developing comprehension and inference skills and will help the EAL learners access the longer novel used with the whole class.
As key visuals, and an opportunity to translate key words and phrases, are provided for each summary, this is also an opportunity to develop vocabulary. The character profiles are short paragraphs about each character, which can be used either before the reading of each chapter or at the end of the chapter to remind the reader about the characters they have read about.
Resource downloads
On the right hand side of this page are a number of documents that you can download for free. Please note that the Teaching Notes and Resources can be found in the pdf document (the first item on the list), whilst the PowerPoint document(s) include(s) presentation(s) which you can display on your interactive board in your classroom.
Licence information
© The Bell Educational Trust Limited. This resource is free to use for educational purposes.
This resource was originally developed by C. Hurley and has been adapted for The Bell Foundation’s teaching materials and resources. The resource was formally referenced as EAL Nexus.