The Kingdom of Benin

These EAL resources support understanding of the history and life of the Kingdom of Benin.

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These history resources support KS2/KS3 learners using EAL to learn about the Kingdom of Benin. The resources include visuals showing important resources and materials used in the Benin Kingdom, graphic organisers to help learners understand the timeline of events in the rise and fall of the Kingdom and compare the Kingdom of Benin with other civilisations, including Tudor England. There are also games and oracy activities to promote language development and scaffold learners’ ability to talk and write about historical events.

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On the right hand side of this page are a number of documents that you can download for free. Please note that the Teaching Notes and Resources can be found in the pdf document (the first item on the list), whilst the PowerPoint document(s) include(s) presentation(s) which you can display on your interactive board in your classroom.

Licence information

© The Bell Educational Trust Limited. This resource is free to use for educational purposes.

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