World War II allies and enemies
Ally or enemy? It's key for learners to know which countries were on which side during any study of World War 2 and this resource will support them in identifying the alliances.
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World War II allies and enemies
World War II allies and enemies leaders flashcards
World War II allies and enemies flag flashcards
Learners start with picture cards to sort into allied groups, then moving to a Connect 4 game to consolidate their learning and, finally, using a graphic organiser to record their learning, model talking about what they have learned and scaffold their writing.
Resource downloads
On the right hand side of this page are a number of documents that you can download for free. Please note that the Teaching Notes and Resources can be found in the pdf document (the first item on the list), whilst the PowerPoint document(s) include(s) presentation(s) which you can display on your interactive board in your classroom.
Licence information
© The Bell Educational Trust Limited. This resource is free to use for educational purposes.