Embedding Language for Learning in Multilingual Schools (Online Course)

This course considers the language demands of the curriculum and provides strategies for the English language development of EAL learners.

For multilingual learners using English as an Additional Language (EAL), proficiency in English can be a barrier preventing full access to the curriculum and meaningful engagement in classroom activities. Similarly, proficiency in English can prevent a learner achieving their potential in national assessments. This course will help to arm teachers with a good understanding of the language demands of the curriculum, and strategies to teach those specific language features, so that they will be in a strong position to plan and teach lessons that support the language development of learners who use EAL at the same time as teaching curriculum content.

This course aims to help teachers support their learners by focusing on the language for learning. It does this by:

  • Considering the role of different varieties of English in the classroom;
  • Exploring how to identify the language demands of the curriculum;
  • Exploring strategies for supporting the acquisition of English language alongside curriculum learning.

This course is the second in a set of courses covering the Language of Learning. The first course, Understanding Language for Learning in Multilingual Schools, aims to increase understanding of aspects of the English language which research has shown to be more problematic for learners using EAL. This second and more practical course builds on the first course by supporting teachers in identifying the language demands of the curriculum and deciding on the most suitable strategies to support learners in using this language.

This three-module online course is designed to work around the busy lives of those working in schools – tickets are available for either primary or secondary practitioners. With three hours of online study over a four to five-week period, this course enables you to work at a manageable pace with plenty of time to process course content and consider relevance to your context. The course is designed to be highly interactive and collaborative, with opportunities to work with other course participants, course tutors and course material. Module two consists of a live webinar with opportunities to ask questions and share best practice in real time.

A certificate will be awarded for successful completion of the course.

Course dates: 13 June - 7 July.

Ticket sales close Tuesday 6 June 4pm (UK time).

Please Note: A recent review of The Bell Foundation’s VAT position with regards course fees has concluded that, as a charity, the Foundation’s online course fees can be exempt from VAT. Therefore, for all courses starting after 1 January 2023, course fees will no longer be subject to 20% VAT. If you have previously purchased a ticket, you will receive a partial refund for the VAT which is no longer due. If you have not yet purchased a ticket, then no action is required. If you have any questions regarding this, please email info@bell-foundation.org.uk.

Trainer to be confirmed

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Tutors are experienced teacher educators with substantial experience of teaching and assessing learners who use EAL in relevant contexts. Tutors are trained e-moderators and offer friendly, practical specialist support to all participants throughout the webinar.

Who is this course for?

  • Primary and secondary practitioners;
  • Classroom teachers;
  • EAL coordinators;
  • Literacy coordinators;
  • Teaching assistants;
  • Heads of department.

Please note: this course is not available to international schools. Please click here to view our upcoming Language for Results International online courses.

Module One:

Pre-webinar online tasks: completed at your own pace over a one-week period.

Time commitment: approximately 60 minutes.

Module Two:

Live interactive webinar with the course tutors:

  • Primary: Wednesday 21 June 16:00-17:00
  • Secondary: Thursday 22 June 16:00-17:00

Time commitment: 60 minutes.

Module Three:

Post-webinar online tasks: completed at your own pace over a one to two-week period.

Tutor feedback: you will receive feedback on your assignment within two weeks of submission.

Time commitment: approximately 60 minutes.

Important Notice: there are only two websites authorised to promote and take bookings for this event run by The Bell Foundation. These are: The Bell Foundation’s website and Eventbrite. Please do not book, or express interest in, this event through any other website.

Event details



  • Date

  • Time

  • Type

    Online course

  • Location


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