Introduction to EAL Assessment MOOC (Webinar)

The Bell Foundation is excited to launch a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Introduction to EAL Assessment.

The Bell Foundation is excited to launch a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Introduction to EAL Assessment. This free online course aims to familiarise teachers with our EAL Assessment Framework for Schools and support practitioners in implementing effective practices for assessing the English language proficiency of pupils who use English as an Additional Language (EAL).

This webinar will provide an overview of the MOOC with information on key content, structure and how to access the course. The webinar will be suitable for any member of school staff involved in any way in the assessment of learners using EAL. It will also be of support to teachers in training and any teacher trainers.

Areas of focus will include:

  • An overview of the Introduction to EAL Assessment MOOC course, including its structure and the intended outcomes;
  • A taster of the course content, including a selection of different course activities, giving you a feel for the course;
  • Information on how to access the course;
  • Time and opportunity for questions.

Part of the webinar will be allocated to a Q&A session. If you have any questions related to the webinar topic which you would like answered during the live session, please send them to:

Who should register for the webinar

  • Teachers;
  • EAL co-ordinators;
  • Subject and key stage leaders;
  • Inclusion leaders;
  • Teaching assistants;
  • SLT members;
  • Headteachers;
  • Teacher trainees;
  • Teacher trainers (including early career teacher mentors).

If the webinar is full, please complete the wait list form and you will be contacted if a place becomes available. Everyone on the wait list will be sent a copy of the webinar recording.

The webinar URL will be issued 90 minutes before the session. When you receive the webinar URL, please check that it takes you to the event room, if not, please email Please note that you will not be able to log in to the webinar event room in advance. Please check your ‘junk’ folder if you have not received this information one hour before the event.  

Ticket sales end at 4:00pm (UK time) on 21 May.

Your trainer, Kamil

Kamil Trzebiatowski joined The Bell Foundation in September 2018. He holds the post of Digital Resource Developer. Before joining the Foundation, Kamil had spent 18 years teaching English as a Foreign Language and English as an Additional Language first in Poland and subsequently in England and Scotland in mainstream secondary classrooms. He was an EAL Co-ordinator at a secondary school, EAL consultant/trainer, writer for education periodicals and EAL event organiser.

If you are viewing this event after ticket sales have closed, please click here to register for our newsletter and receive updates on future webinars or online courses. 

Important notice: there are only two websites authorised to promote and take bookings for this event run by The Bell Foundation. These are: The Bell Foundation’s website and Eventbrite. Please do not book, or express interest in, this event through any other website or platform. 

Event details



  • Date

  • Time

  • Type


Register for the free webinar

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