Attainment, Progress and Relative Attainment KS4

This page contains maps which use publicly available local authority and school level data of pupils who use English as an Additional Language (EAL) at Key Stage 4 showing:

  • KS4 Attainment 8 and Progress 8.
  • KS4 Relative Attainment.

The maps below show Attainment 8 and Progress 8 data for pupils who use EAL by local authority area.

Attainment 8

“Attainment 8 is a way of measuring how well children do in key stage 4, which they usually finish when they are 16 years old.

The 8 subjects which make up Attainment 8 include English and maths. Out of the remaining 6 subjects:
• 3 must come from qualifications that count towards the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), like sciences, a language and history
• 3 qualifications can be either GCSE qualifications (including EBacc subjects) or technical awards from a list approved by the Department for Education

Each grade a pupil achieves is assigned a point score from 9 (the highest) to 1 (the lowest).

A pupil’s Attainment 8 score is calculated by adding up the points for their 8 subjects, with English and maths counted twice. A school's Attainment 8 score is the average of all of its eligible pupils’ scores”. (DfE)

Progress 8

“A Progress 8 score is calculated for each pupil by comparing their Attainment 8 score with the average Attainment 8 scores of all pupils nationally who had a similar starting point, using assessment results from the end of primary school. The greater the Progress 8 score, the greater the progress made by the pupil compared to the average for pupils with similar prior attainment. A school’s Progress 8 score is calculated as the average of its pupils’ Progress 8 scores. It gives an indication of whether, as a group, pupils in the school made above or below average progress compared to similar pupils in other schools.
• A score of zero means pupils in this school on average do as well at key stage 4 as other pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 2
• A score above zero means pupils made more progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 2
• A score below zero means pupils made less progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 2” (DfE)

Attainment 8 and Progress 8

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

Below are maps showing the 10% of local authorities and schools with the highest attaining pupils who use EAL at KS4 (top decile) and the 10% of local authorities and schools who have the lowest attaining EAL pupils at KS4 (bottom decile). Higher KS4 attainment, like KS2 is associated with London and the South East. Lower KS4 attainment is centred on West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

Below are heat maps showing the top 10% (top decile) and bottom 10% (bottom decile) performing schools and local authorities in Progress 8 measures for pupils who use EAL. The heat maps show no discernible patterns in progress between bottom and top deciles for KS4 progress. Local authority analysis shows clusters of lower progress in East London, Birmingham and Sandwell, and parts of Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire.

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

Relative Attainment KS4

Relative attainment is the attainment of pupils who use EAL divided by the average attainment for all groups. At KS4 the measure is the Progress 8 score. The maps below are heat maps built using school level data. The maps show the bottom 10% performing schools (bottom decile) and the top 10% performing schools (top decile). In KS4, as with KS2 there is a concentration of higher attaining EAL pupils in London, however, in KS4 there are also significant clusters of high attainment in Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Leicester.

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.