EAL Classroom Guidance for Teachers

EAL classroom guidance for teachers on useful strategies, working with teaching assistants, providing multilingual support and more.

Explore the guidance

What is EAL in Education?

More information on the term 'EAL' and what it encompasses.

 Principles for Effective Teaching of EAL Learners

Five principles which can be used to guide schools as they develop and embed effective provision for EAL learners.

Classroom Guidance and Strategies to Support EAL Learners

Our EAL classroom guidance and strategies aim to support teachers to plan and embed appropriate teaching and learning opportunities when working with EAL learners in primary and secondary settings.

EAL Strategies and Great Ideas

The Great Ideas pages are a collection of different strategies that any teacher could use in their classrooms to support learners who use EAL.

EAL Learners With Limited First Language Literacy

Guidance for teachers working with children and young people in English schools with limited experience of schools and no literacy.

How to Create an EAL Learner Profile

Guide to support educators in creating learner profiles that will lead to improved learning environments, well-being and academic success for plurilingual learners.

Teacher helping a student with her work

Information on the benefits of working with specialist EAL teachers, TAs, BTAs, parents or other students.

Homework for EAL Learners

Homework is an important part of helping learners develop their English language skills.