Persuasive language: speech: part two

This resource is designed for whole class use. It builds on the first part of the resource (Persuasive language: speech: part one) and provides more practice in identifying persuasive devices.

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This resource is designed to use with the whole class. There is a word bank to help learners using EAL, useful for pre-teaching or translation. The lesson recaps and then builds on the work done in Persuasive language: speech: part one, looking at examples from a few famous speeches. Then it returns to Beyoncé’s speech with an extended text analysis highlighting task to be done in groups, with learners who use EAL included. The optional homework task can be used to provide extra challenge and there is also a gap fill version for students who need the support.

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On the right hand side of this page are a number of documents that you can download for free. Please note that the Teaching Notes and Resources can be found in the pdf document (the first item on the list), whilst the PowerPoint document(s) include(s) presentation(s) which you can display on your interactive board in your classroom.

Licence information

© The Bell Educational Trust Limited. This resource is free to use for educational purposes.

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