Attainment, Progress and Relative Attainment KS2

This page contains maps which use publicly available local authority and school level data of pupils who use English as an Additional Language (EAL) at Key Stage 2 showing:

KS2 Attainment

The map below shows the proportion of pupils who use EAL who are reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths at KS2. The range is from 52% to 82% by local authority.

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

Below are maps built using school level data. The maps show the bottom 10% performing schools (bottom decile) and the top 10% performing schools (top decile). The heat maps show a general urban rural split, with higher attaining schools tending to be focused on London and other centres of population, while lower performing schools are more rural in characteristic – being more distributed across the country. There are particular pockets of lower attaining schools in West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

KS2 Progress

The map below shows the progress of pupils who use EAL in reading, writing and maths between KS1 to KS2 (compared to the national average of pupils with similar KS1 attainment profiles) by local authority.

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

The maps below show the bottom 10% (bottom decile) of local authorities for progress for pupils who use EAL. There is no consistent geographic pattern across the three progress measures (reading, writing and maths). For reading, the lower progressing schools are located in North Lincolnshire, Merseyside and East Anglia. For writing, the pattern changes with less progress in writing in the West Midlands, East Midlands, Buckinghamshire, Windsor and Maidenhead, and Lewisham. For maths there are pockets of lower progress in Peterborough and Rutland, Dorset and Bath and Worcestershire.

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

Below are heat maps built using school level data. The maps show the bottom 10% performing schools (bottom decile).

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

KS2 Relative Attainment

Relative attainment is the attainment of pupils who use EAL divided by the average attainment for all groups at the school or local authority level. At KS2 the measure is the proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and, maths. Below are heat maps built using school level data. The maps show the bottom 10% performing schools (bottom decile) and the top 10% performing schools (top decile).

  • To find out the name of a local authority and the data for that area please hover the mouse on the region.
  • To zoom in on areas such as those with clusters of smaller local authorities please use the zoom buttons (+/-) on the top left of the map.
  • To navigate left, right, up or down please use the navigation buttons on the top left of the map, or click, hold and move the cursor.

Relative attainment heat maps for KS2, show that attainment for pupils who use EAL is relatively worse for schools in Merseyside, Manchester, Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Dudley, and West and South Yorkshire (Sheffield in particular). Meanwhile, EAL pupils have higher attainment relative to all pupils in London.